Some pics from the Phoenix Zoo... of some Frogs humping and a blissful looking Wart Hog and another of us posing in front of Giraffes.

[artist]Cagematch[/artist]: first band to play, kind of like a His Hero's Gone Influenced heavy Hardcore band, not bad.

[artist]And So I Watch You From Afar[/artist]: Surprise band of the evening. Never heard them before but these guys were explosive! Awesome and energetic instrumental Post/Progressive Rock from Ireland. I bought their CD and I think I might review it. I'd like to see these guys again sometime when they have more time to play a longer set.

[artist]Touche Amore[/artist]: Great as expected, very energetic frontman, cool friendly guys too. The crowd was way into them and knew all the lyrics, made me jealous! This pic is with them performing a song with the frontman of La Dispute from the split they did together.

[artist]La Dispute[/artist]: Had to get upfront and go wild when these guys hit the stage. Only regret is that they didn't get to play a longer set. (They will be playing in Albuquerque tomorrow night, so hopefully I'll have an update about that one) This is a pic with the Touche Amore front man, same as above performing a song from the split they did together.

[artist]Envy[/artist]: One thing about seeing Envy live that I discovered is that they aren't really a social-rocking kind of band that will get the crowd into it together. It's very introspective music and as I looked around, everyone was off in their own little world, swaying back and forth to the sonic cascades of hope and despair that Envy put forth. No moshing or thrashing about whatsoever, just a very deep and overwhelming musical experience. If indeed the rumors are true and Envy will be calling it a day after this tour and new album, I will be forever appreciative that I was able to witness them live at least once in my life.

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